Support a Child

Teach For Green is promoting a nationwide Do-It-Yourself (DIY) green energy workshop movement
that aims to create awareness and encourage entrepreneurship in this field, using the “learning by doing” approach.

We have a pedagogy where along with each topic we associate an activity that gives students the insight on how the theory can be applied practically. Teach For Green involves students in Do-It -Yourself activity session so that students understand basic concepts better. Students are involved in various tasks which includes individual and group activities, model designing, peer learning, community engagement, pollution monitoring and record keeping etc. Further, we set up an experiential ecosystem where students have the ability to think outside their curriculum and relate to their surrounding environment. We want to inculcate a sense of ownership in them, as they will be our future young leaders.

What we do

Educational programs in rural schools and farming communities to enable the community understand climate change, environmental pollution, and learn basic skills on renewables such as crafting small solar power appliances from waste. You can support a child’s learning by a simple donation of Rs 500/-

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Account Name: Teach For Green
Account No. : 520101236637238
IFSC Code: CORP0001688
Branch: Plot No 35, Ignou Road, Neb Sarai, Delhi – 110068

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Khasra No. 177, Shokeen Market, Neb Sarai, Delhi 110068, India

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