“India, however, has a big challenge ahead as it is estimated that only 4.69% of the total workforce in India has undergone formal skill training as compared to 68% in UK, 75% in Germany, 52% in USA, 80% in Japan and 96% in South Korea. On the basis of these studies, it is estimated that an incremental 109.7 million skilled people will be required by 2022 across these 24 sectors whereby the top 10 sectors including automobile, retail, handloom, leather, etc account for about 80% of requirements.”
Annual report (2015-16 and 2016-17), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India
The Rural Entrepreneurship Skill Development Program is a 15-30 day training program mainly focused on clean energy solutions and other sustainable practices, which develops technical knowledge and skills along with entrepreneurial skills, creating an ecosystem for the local youth and women to set up their own enterprise or earn a living, improving their living standards.
Skills Development
“1. Introduction to renewable energy, sustainability and their significance in India’s plan to achieve awareness about green energy applications.”
“2. Fundamental understanding of nature and scientific laws, electric circuits and components, specifications and uses.”
“3. Understanding and awareness about green energy by small system such as lamp, toy car, mobile charger to provide a solid basis to better grasp instructions for larger grid assembly, repair and maintenance.”
“4. Introduction to sustainable agriculture with practical sessions that involve vermi-compost production and polyhouse manufacturing.“
“5. Focusing of health and sanitation including menstrual hygiene and introduction to manufacturing of sanitary napkins.“
Entrepreneurship Development Training
“1. Develop an innovative skilled artisan-cum-technician by intake of knowledge to design, construct and repair solar based products.“
“2. Design and develop their own customized products for customer and as per market requirements, generating income and sustaining independent livelihoods.“
“3. Personal development sessions to improve and hone essential employability skills.“
“4. Introduction to financial literacy and other marketing strategies required to set up their own micro-enterprises.“
“5. Further, Provision of mentorship and facilitation which involves assistance in building business models and opening financial channels for set up of micro-enterprises.“